CARS & STARS Online is a unique digital reading comprehension program based on the repeated application of twelve central reading strategies. The program spans from pre-reading to year nine level and works on any relatively modern device with an internet connection, which means it functions just as well at home as it does in the classroom – making it ideal for distance learning.
Research has shown that posters, when employed well and sparingly, can help with concentration in the classroom and at home, and provide a form of passive learning. Students have concepts gently reinforced for them by their presence around the room. CARS & STARS Online posters are colourful and glossy, highlighting the 12 main reading strategies featured in the program for everyone. Ideal for classroom display, they offer brief and clear summaries of each of the 12 strategies.
CARS & STARS Online posters now come in a new A3 size for easy placement. These sets of three colourful, glossy posters highlight four main reading strategies featured in the CARS & STARS series on each. Ideal for classroom display, or placement at home, they offer brief and clear summaries of each of the strategies, serving as a perfect quick-reference guide for both teachers and students.
These new sets of A3 posters complement our existing, popular A1-sized posters which feature all twelve strategies in one. Hawker Brownlow Digital also sells sets of colourful, glossy stickers that serve to highlight the 12 main reading strategies featured in the CARS & STARS series and are ideal for rewarding students for their efforts in the classroom or at home while reinforcing concepts at the same time.
To purchase CARS & STARS Online resources like stickers and posters to bring digital instruction into the real world, please click here.
If you are interested in learning more about the CARS & STARS Online subscriptions and how they can help children to achieve better results, then sign up for a free trial to be an integral part of your child’s reading success.