Technology in education can serve as a catalyst for innovation, personalisation and accessibility. To find out how CARS & STARS Online, as an advanced online reading comprehension program, aligns with these goals, click the link below.
24 Strategies for Effective Classroom Management
The Importance of Critical Thinking
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The Importance of Reading Comprehension in Higher Education
The Strategies Revisited: Summarising
The Strategies Revisited: Interpreting Figurative Language
The Strategies Revisited: Identifying Author’s Purpose
The Strategies Revisited: Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion
The Strategies Revisited: Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences
Questions about Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences move students from a direct, lower-order level of thinking about texts read to a more indirect, higher-order level of thinking, where meaning is derived not simply from what is explicitly stated but from critically and imaginatively engaging with a text to think about the story and events beyond those presented in it.
The Strategies Revisited: Finding Word Meaning in Context
The Strategies Revisited: Making Predictions
The Strategies Revisited: Comparing and Contrasting
The Strategies Revisited: Recognising Cause and Effect
The Strategies Revisited: Understanding Sequence
The sequence in which ideas are presented in a text is one of the first things students must be able to ascertain to be able to fully derive meaning from it, and so the notion of Understanding Sequence is a crucial factor in reading comprehension and one of the 12 central reading strategies in CARS & STARS Online.
The Strategies Revisited: Recalling Facts and Details
The Strategies Revisited: Finding the Main Idea
Strategies and Student Memory
With its research-proven, strategy-based approach to teaching reading comprehension at every level, CARS & STARS Online facilitates instruction that teaches the way the brain learns and remembers, increasing student awareness of textual features and concepts, and providing a direct and understandable pathway to improving the comprehension of every student.