Results You Can Work With – Without the Work

CARS & STARS Online is a digital reading comprehension program based around the repeated application of twelve core reading strategies to make students better readers who can analyse and interpret any text at a high level of understanding. The multi-level program is designed to be entirely paper-free, with all student answers being entered directly into the software, and results being instantly recorded and corrected automatically, requiring no teacher marking.

Whereas once upon a time a student undertaking a reading exercise would leave the teacher with work to mark, that they would then convert into the results format they wanted, to later match with every other student and ultimately report to a higher authority, CARS & STARS Online does all of this automatically and instantly. The real benefit of the program for teachers, aside from its proven efficacy in turning students into readers with advanced levels of comprehension, is the ease with which results are collected and the variety of ways in which the program allows the teacher to get a more complete picture of student learning. 

From within CARS & STARS Online itself, teachers can access instant overviews of student progress that show how well they are progressing through the various levels of the program, and which areas might need to be targeted for remediation. But this simple overview of a single student’s results is only the beginning.

Class teachers can just as quickly and easily bring up an overview of a group of students, or even the whole class. This takes no more time than viewing the results of a single student, and allows easy comparison and whole-class planning for instruction.

School principals, coordinators or administrators with access to the program can also easily see results – and they can go for an even wider picture, viewing them for groups of classes, year levels or even entire schools.

All of this would previously have required a lot of work – to collect the results, then collate them, then tabulate them in a form for easy comparison, and then to combine with the work of many other teachers undertaking the same arduous process.

With CARS & STARS Online, results are more powerful than ever. And they’re more easily collected, displayed and usefully harnessed, all by a process that occurs automatically and instantly, and which requires no direct teacher intervention to complete.

If you are interested in learning more about the CARS & STARS Online subscriptions and how they can help children to achieve better results, then sign up for a free trial to be an integral part of your child’s reading success.