Students That Can Monitor Their Own Learning

CARS & STARS Online offers teachers unprecedented access to information on students’ progress that is instantly updated and immediately accessible, offering an overview of achievement at the individual, classroom and even whole-school level.

As far as learning data goes, CARS & STARS Online offers an unmatched picture of just how well students are working that allows the targeting of areas of need as well as a full appreciation of just how far they have progressed.

But with CARS & STARS Online, it’s not just teachers and administrators who can directly access this information on student achievement. The program allows students themselves to analyse and monitor their own progress using many of the same mechanisms available to teachers, keeping them constantly engaged in and motivated by their own learning.

CARS & STARS Online offers students the ability to benefit from its unique and constant data collection through an automatically updated Progress Chart that shows how they are proceeding through the program, visually depicting their climb through the reading levels with automatic marking showing correct scores for each activity they undertake.

This is consistent with current academic theory about how best to use student data to motivate students, in that it shows strengths and weaknesses – while also allowing them to quickly and clearly see how they are improving. By providing a consistent view for every student, it allows everyone to easily understand their results while avoiding making learning a competition because students are only directly comparing their work to themselves. This is highlighted by the recurring Self-Assessment exercises, and can be underlined again by teacher feedback, itself informed by the same data students can see.

We know that it’s easier for students to comprehend their progress in an area if they know what they need to accomplish and how they will be assessed, and CARS & STARS Online is built with this in mind. Students benefit by being able to monitor their own data, and can use that data to move forward – being both more engaged in and conscious of exactly how they’re learning.

If you are interested in learning more about the CARS & STARS Online subscriptions and how they can help children to achieve better results, then sign up for a free trial to be an integral part of your child’s reading success.