Reading Different Types of Writing

There are many different types of writing, including formal, professional, academic, technical and casual writing. It is important to be able to read and comprehend them in daily life across a variety of different settings and contexts, and a truly proficient reader will be able to understand one just as easily as another – to their lasting benefit.

Some common types of writing are:

  • Formal writing: This type of writing is characterised by a structured and sophisticated style, and is commonly used in legal documents, business contracts and academic essays. It is important to be able to read and comprehend formal writing because it often involves complex language and ideas, as well as having legal or financial implications.

  • Professional writing: This type of writing is used in the workplace and is typically more concise and direct than formal writing. Examples include emails, memos and reports. It is important to be able to read and comprehend professional writing because it can contain important information related to working duties and responsibilities.

  • Academic writing: This type of writing is used in educational settings and is characterised by a formal and objective style. Examples include essays, research papers and academic articles. It is important to be able to read and comprehend academic writing because it is a key component of higher and ongoing education and can provide valuable knowledge and insights.

  • Technical writing: This type of writing is used to communicate complex technical information in a clear and concise manner. Examples include manuals, instructions and technical reports. It is important to be able to read and comprehend technical writing because it is used in a variety of industries and can provide critical information related to safety, maintenance and operations.

  • Casual writing: This type of writing is used in informal settings, such as social media posts, text messages and personal emails. It is important to be able to read and comprehend casual writing because it is a common form of communication in modern society and can provide insights into people's thoughts, feelings and opinions.

It is important to be able to read and comprehend different types of writing because each type serves a specific purpose and contains unique information. Being able to understand formal, professional, academic, technical and casual writing can provide individuals with valuable knowledge, insights and skills that can help them in various aspects of their personal and professional lives.

CARS & STARS Online is a digital reading comprehension program where students move through five Pre-tests, five Benchmarks and five Post Tests at every level, building mastery of reading comprehension through multiple-choice questions targeting 12 core reading strategies. All of this is unique and unlike any other means of building your students’ reading comprehension. But what makes CARS & STARS Online truly special is that it’s designed to keep student interest through constantly varying reading passages.

Passages in CARS & STARS Online come from a variety of different genres and text types, from letters and lists to stories and instructions. No passage is repeated across the program, and every passage is different. Passages can be fiction or non-fiction and cover a raft of topics across many different subject areas, all designed to pique student interest and keep it throughout the program, exposing them to a variety of text types and styles of writing at every level.

Students using CARS & STARS Online will be exposed to different text types as standard throughout the program, beginning at the lowest levels. They’ll grow to become proficient readers who can make meaning from any text – and recognise and respond accordingly to any type of text, too.

If you are interested in learning more about the CARS & STARS Online subscriptions and how they can help children to achieve better results, then sign up for a free trial to be an integral part of your child’s reading success.