Active Classroom for Classrooms, Anywhere

Active Classroom for Classrooms, Anywhere

Active Classroom

Get a comprehensive live view of each student’s activities in the classroom!

Technology can be a teacher’s best friend – or their worst enemy. Simply factoring in the massive distraction of students’ being presented with constant access to the internet – a portal to a little bit of everything, all the time – can risk a massive impact on student concentration. Couple that with the fact learning from home brings with it issues surrounding a lack of supervision and often an inability for teachers to see what students are doing when they’re supposed to be working, and you have a volatile combination that threatens to make learning untenable at best and completely unworkable at worst.

CARS & STARS Online is a digital reading comprehension program where students move through five Pre-tests, five Benchmarks and five Post Tests at every level, building mastery of reading comprehension through multiple-choice questions targeting 12 core reading strategies. CARS & STARS Online requires no special computer hardware to operate. It is compatible with almost any device that can connect to the internet. Users can even start an exercise on one device, then login on another and pick it up exactly where they left off. The program requires no further hardware investment for specialist equipment, and there’s no requirement that every student – or teacher, for that matter – has the same type of device.

Its strategies-based instruction is already a new way of thinking about teaching reading comprehension, but its online content delivery and digital workspace is a new way of thinking about the classroom.

Which brings us back to supervision, or rather the problem of supervising students while they work – or pretend to work – from home. With CARS & STARS Online, teachers can view and monitor the activities of each student logged into the program from their own device. This is done by offering teachers a live view of student screens that’s accessible at any time and works just as well when remote learning as it does when everybody is seated together in the one classroom. We call this Active Classroom, and it’s a standard part of the CARS & STARS Online program that’s available with all subscriptions.

Active Classroom is especially helpful during instances of remote learning, where it can be the best – and only! – form of supervision available. But it is just one of the many useful features that make CARS & STARS Online the digital reading comprehension program that is ideal for these times – both in the classroom and outside of it.

If you are interested in learning more about the CARS & STARS Online subscriptions and how they can help children to achieve better results, then sign up for a free trial to be an integral part of your child’s reading success.